I’m not too big on fitness the front but do enjoy a running a couple times a week. I’m a very lazy guy, and it is hard to workout daily for a guy like me. I do use fitness apps as well as weight loss apps for Android to keep myself from exploding though. Runtastic has been on my secondary smartphone since I tested it for the best pedometer apps for Android.

The Good

The app is remarkably straightforward to use. Press a button and start running, this is the whole app. The app keeps track of your footsteps and does all the calculations for you. You just need to focus on your running. I have seen a lot of joggers in the park fiddling with their phones rather than focusing on the run. Runtastic allows you to utilize the run time better and with more efficiency.

The Bad

The app can sometimes calculate extra steps if the surface you are running on is bumpy. For example, the app counted around 20 extra steps when I climbed a hill. On flat surfaces, however, the app works like a charm. To help with the accuracy, you can tone down the sensitivity while running on uneven surfaces. Accessing some of the features require you to pay a one-time fee to unlock.

The Bottom Line

If you want to run without distractions, get Runtastic Pedometer app on your smartphone right now. The app is light on resources and works even when you are offline. Runtastic Pedometer app for Android has a very clean interface that is quite easy on the eyes. All in all, this is a great app for those who take running seriously and don’t care about the bells and whistles.

Installation and First Boot

Installing Runtastic is pretty easy. Press the Install button on the Google Play Store page and you are good to go. The app comes in a moderate package that is around 30 MB. I would recommend that you use a Wi-Fi connection for speeding up the download. After launching the app, the first screen you will see will ask you if you want to sign in. Ordinarily I hate signing in apps and thankfully this pedometer app for Android knew that. There is a prominent remind me later option right on the bottom of the screen which lets you skip the sign in process. There are options of easily signing in with Google or Facebook as well if you are into sharing your workouts on social media. There is no welcome tutorial to be seen on this app. I would have docked points for this, but the app really doesn’t need a tutorial. The main screen of the app displays everything you will need to see during your runs. Simply tap on the Start Workout button and just go for a run. That is all there is to the app.


The interface of Runtastic Pedometer is very minimalistic. The top of the app shows a Go Pro button that urges you to purchase the paid version of the app that is actually in app purchases. Then there is the music button, which we will discuss in the features section of the review. The sections of the app are divided for easy access by tapping on them. The main screen shows the meat of the app, which is running centric functions. The history section lists all the running sessions you recorded. Then there is the Go Pro section, which again asks you to buy the in-app purchases. This is the only annoying thing about the interface. I would have liked a certain degree of customization options. There are none of these options found on the free version of the app.


I’ll be honest here, the app is not overflowing with features. But quite frankly, I don’t see the point of overloading a running app for Android with superfluous features. A running app should be kept simple and easy to use with one hand. Simplicity is exactly what Runtastic offers you. You can actively check the steps you have taken during your run. Also displayed is the time duration of your run. The speed is a bit unreliable as it updates every few steps. I know this because there is no way I would have ran at 6.1 KPH. The calories burnt feature is for pro users only, but input the running data in any of the workout apps for Android and you will get the results. Below is shown my shameful attempt to sprint really fast. I almost heaved myself into the pavement after 22 seconds of sprinting.


One of the best things about Runtastic is that it knows how people run. Sure there are some people who only pretend to run and go back home after taking a few selfies. But those who are serious about running don’t want to take their phone out of the arm strap or pocket very often. The app comes with an integrated music button that takes you to your favorite music app. This is an excellent way to launch music, without even leaving the app. The app worked fine during my short runs. However, I will update the article with more about this when I’m capable of running more than a minute in one go. Otherwise, the app performed fine, and the device remained cool during my running sessions.


The app is capable of sending push notifications. Thankfully none of the notifications are ads. Otherwise the app would have ranked really low in the review. The app just sends you reminders about your runs and whatnot. The app can access your accounts, which then again are needed to sign in. The location is accessed by the app, which is kind of necessary for GPS based tracking.


Simple, fast, light and convenient, these are the things which describe Runtastic well. If you have the cash, I would recommend going for the paid version. Although you should try out the app first before committing to it. The app works really well on almost every smartphone. It ran great on my now really outdated Nexus One, and it worked well on Galaxy Note III. If you have any questions or concerns about the review or just want to share your experience, feel free to comment below.

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