It’s a real disgrace that users have to take exceptional steps to limit how their private information is handled. Whether we favor it or not, our browsing data are sold to third parties by many social media websites. Our every move is now being tracked, and there’s no information on who’s monitoring it. Signing into accounts through public W-iFi can be risky business now. But with every problem, there comes a resolution. Here we provide you the top internet privacy suggestions to prevent your browsing as individual as can be – and you never have to be tech expert to enforce them!  

Secure and Different Passwords

Reusing the same old password for all of your accounts means that a hacker needs merely to spy you log in into one, to access everything. And for those of you applying passwords such as ‘12345,’ your pet’s or relatives’ names, or your birthday, we aren’t sure you should even worry with one at all. These passwords are easy to decode. Be sure to decide passwords that are a blend of special letters and numbers using both lower and upper case alphabets. Changing them frequently provides an added layer of security over it.  

Disable Cookies

Cookies are ways for sites to collect and store information about your browsing history and online activities. This information is usually used to help websites to optimize and personalize services for you, but the data can also be sold to third parties without your knowledge. Who knows where your data is floating around in the world? Now not all cookies are bad, but changing your browser settings to alert you when a cookie has been automatically installed is a means of regaining control over it.

Using VPN

A VPN is a Virtual Private Network, enabling users to connect to servers located all over the world via encrypted methods. These tunnels keep you safe from hackers and spammers making internet privacy concerns a matter of past. Putting the tech jargon apart; a strong VPN will enable users to securely and secretly browse the internet, without worrying that their activity is being tracked or spied on. With a hidden IP address, users can encounter the website anonymously.  

Turn Off GPS While Not In Use

If you notice, you’ll see that your smartphone is preoccupied with GeoTagging. An essential part of most modern day smartphones, you’ll notice that it can tag your photos with locations if the picture clicked with the GPS settings on. This may be nice when viewing back on old memories, but it also leaves your location data vulnerable. So think twice, and turn your GPS off in your phone’s settings till you need them on.  

Safe Browsing

Some internet browsers have now included a ‘private browsing’ mode – such as incognito mode– that you may notice from Google Chrome’s popular, hat and spy-looking version, to further address the subject of internet privacy. Anonymous web browsers such as Tor and search engines like DuckDuckGo pride themselves on their absence of cookies or ads, not to mention their reliable, secure, and encrypted browsing.  

Prefer only Secured Websites

Most people have no thought what the ‘HTTPS’ before a URL means. But, if you don’t see these letters when opening a site, then you should steer clear! HTTPS helps to block intruders from tampering between a website and users. An intruder can install malware on the user’s device, or even worse, exploit their delicate information, generating a host of internet privacy concerns. A website that uses HTTPS guarantees that intruders cannot gain entrance to communications between a user and the website.  

Privacy on Social Media Accounts

With social media accounts converting into space where most of your information is made public by default. Monitoring the privacy settings of your accounts is important. Social media websites may share your public information with other websites and use it to target advertisements. For example, Facebook, which started out as a social media website, where users were in full command of their internet privacy, has transformed into a money-making engine where all data now is made public unless the user regularly changes the settings.  

Beware In Public Wifi

Don’t be too keen to use Wi-Fi hotspots, especially when it comes to accessing personal accounts. Make sure to never physically log into any of your accounts – especially bank accounts – when using a Wi-Fi network. Wi-Fi networks are incredibly insecure because they have no encryption at all. This means that someone on the network can track the data that you transmit on the internet. Your passwords, bank information, and email could all be up for grasps. If you’re someone who uses the similar password for everything, then this should work as a warning. If a hacker gets a grip of your password, they will have access to all of your accounts.  


Not only is it essential to safeguard yourself online for security reasons, but also to keep your online footprint secured. No one wants their browsing data to be sold to third parties without their consent. And people don’t want the government interference on their every move. With more and more people adopting the internet for shopping, banking, traveling, and just about anything, internet privacy concerns are on the growth. So, keep up with the times, stay alert, stay secure, and most importantly: stay safe.