The world of social media has been constantly changing for some past years and the same is expected for 2019. At one side social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and others have brought people living in different regions close together. On the other side, these social platforms have also brought meaningful opportunities for businesses. According to a survey by Social Media Today, the number of social network users is expected to reach 2.77 billion by 2019 and more than 3 billion by 2021. Another survey by Statista reveals that Facebook, Youtube, and Whatsapp have been the top 3 social networks in 2018.  A reliable assignment writing services UK and other entities from different countries have also quoted these stats. These huge numbers attract both marketers and business organizations to promote their business on social networks. In fact, a business can’t even survive without making its strong and effective online presence. If you are also planning to increase the social media exposure of your brand, here are the top social media marketing trends that will lead in 2019:  

1. Social Trust, Security, and Transparency

2018 was the year when the world discussed the issues of social data security, trust, and transparency. Both Mark Zuckerberg and Sundar Pichai were summoned to discuss these issues. Moreover, there is still a pressure on the CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg to appear in the UK parliament to discuss data privacy. This situation will also affect the business world as they will also be required to provide a completely secure and transparent experience. Customers will also prefer those online businesses where they will feel more secure in terms of their personal data.  

2. More Importance To SEO

What happened during some recent years is that digital marketers gave lesser importance to SEO than other digital marketing techniques like Social Media Marketing and Branding. However, the importance of SEO is going to increase in 2019 because Facebook has brought some significant changes to its algorithm. In detail, once these changes applied, Facebook users will be seeing more content and their friends and family and less from marketing companies and brands. The brand has taken this decision just because it observed less interest of people in Facebook activities just because of excessive and constant ads coming to their news feeds. These new changes by this top social network will surely affect businesses and they will again give more importance to organic searches that happen to be permanent and cost-effective.  

3. Video content

If we believe a survey by Social Media Examiner, in few next years, more than 80% what we see today will be in the video format. These stats look real because the more we are moving towards high technologies, the more important the format of videos is getting. Considering this, it’s highly expected that video content will be one of the leading social media trends for 2019.  It can also be observed through the success of Youtube. The platform was the 2nd most used social network in 2018 after Facebook. You know what does it mean? It means that people prefer Youtube over Twitter and Whatsapp. The trend of live videos will also continue with its remarkable success. Across the world, people constantly watch and share live video on Facebook, Youtube, and other platforms and the video are watched both by their friends’ circle and the common public.  

4. User Engagement

Facebook was the leading social platform that successfully gets its users’ engagement by making them open Facebook again and again throughout a day, according to Statista. The changes that the brand brought were also for the purpose of improving its user engagement. For your business, you also need to follow this trend in 2019 and strive to keep your customers engaged in your business. In fact, in today’s modern world, the only way you can survive your business if it’s interesting, appealing, and engaging as well. The time is gone for those cheap marketers who used to cheat their users (by showing different pictures) just to get traffic and sales. Today, you need to engage a customer through quality product or service, reasonable rates, and the best customer care service. Otherwise, there are different other competitors to take them from you.  

5. Customer Care through Artificial Intelligence

You will always find the latest technology of Artificial Intelligence in all the social media trends list because AI chatbots are the talk of the town in the online business world today.  Online stores and business websites are constantly using AI bots or what you can say, automated messaging to provide a better experience to their users. These bots are helping brands to make sure that each of their users is facilitated with complete support and a feasible online environment. Facebook’s Messenger and plenty other leading brands have already acquired this latest technology to make sure a better ex[eroemce to their users.  

6. Focus on Generation Z

The focus on Generation Z will also seek more attention because of the consistent increment of its followers. In fact, this particular trend is also going to enter the workforce and businesses will have to spend money on it. For example, if you sell clothes, you can’t offer clothes rather you should offer them in different styles and varieties that must be more intimate and personalized. Providing a personalized customer experience happens to be one of the best keys to impress Generation Z that will take more importance in the online business world in future years. This particular was born by technology and it has strong connections with social media and its on-going trends. Thus, by following the above social media trends for 2019, you can effectively improve the online existence of your business and can transform your small business into a global entity. Social media networks have played a vital role in the success of thousands of businesses across the world and they will do their job at the same pace in 2019 as well.