Netflix app

We love Netflix app at as it allows to stream and download content by one of the most prolific series and movie productions in the world. It’s also a huge source of popular TV-shows and thousands of Hollywood and world movies. All titles become available for downloading immediately after premier broadcasting. One app allows you to hold several accounts on a single subscription. For example, you can create an adult account for yourself and lock it to hide mature content from your child. At the same time, there’s a basic kid-account option that includes suggestions with top-rated cartoons and children movies. Netflix app is technologically ahead of its competitors as well. If you decide to watch the whole season of your favourite show, just play the first episode. The rest will launch automatically without any interruptions for loading. Unlike other apps, it also offers an adaptive resolution algorithm. It scales stream resolution automatically when the quality of signal changes.


Dubsmash app

This entertainment service is based on the idea of lip-synching that became widely used in social networks over the past few years. To make a lip-sync video, you have to repeat the words or sounds from an audio sample to match it with your lips and mimics. The app provides you with access to a vast library of famous audio samples from movies, series, video games, trending vines, and music tracks. You can pick up whatever you want and make selfie videos where you act like your favourite star or anyone else. The results are usually hilarious! You can save them for yourself, share in messengers, or post in social networks. Dubsmash has a simple built-in video editor. It allows you to fix the final video by dragging the audio to achieve a perfect match. Besides, you can add various graphic elements, such as emojis, AR masks, funny stickers, GIFs and text. There are thousands of items and to find the wanted ones you have to type keywords in the search. The same principle works in the sound library.  

YouTube app

YouTube app is a mobile client of the world’s biggest video hosting. This web environment allows you to become a member of the creative YouTube society and start posting videos of any kind for free to share them with over 1,3 billion users. Using this app, you can upload clips to the platform, edit online, and submit them without restrictions. The editor allows you to add graphics and sounds (royalty free library is available), cut, place advertisements, create subtitles, and more. If you prefer watching, then YouTube app allows you to watch any videos by authorized creators online for free. They post over 300 new videos in different categories per minute, so it’s impossible not to find something to watch. If you already have a YouTube account, you can sign in to synchronize your activity history. It includes automatic bookmarks, likes, recently viewed titles, subscriptions, notifications and other data to keep you updated across all devices.  


These 3 entertainment services proved to be among the most demanded apps and will surely stay there for years. Netflix is the best streaming service for series and movies, Dubsmash is an inexhaustible source of gags, and YouTube is a place where all user-created videos in the world are stored.