Let’s take a look at male vs female CEO stats to get a clearer picture.

General Male vs. Female CEO Stats and Facts 2023

As we approach these stats, there are a few factors to keep in mind. Age is not taken into consideration in a lot of these statistics, and many medians can be different depending on specific age ranges. A lot of this is also affected by general wage gap statistics, which will be presented. Let’s start with a general view of the data to get a picture of what is going on:

Shocking Male vs. Female CEO Statistics and Facts 2023

The second was Real Estate – 42% Third is Financial Services – 24.5% Fourth is the Food Industry – 23%.

Female Education and Experience in the Workplace Stats 2023

How much do female CEOs vs. male CEOs earn on average?

Women CEOs, on average, make more than their male counterparts. In 2016, it was by 44%. For female CEOs, the average annual compensation was $23.1 million vs. $16 million for men An analysis in 2020 took the average annual earnings of 16 female CEOs and 326 male CEOs and found that, on average, the female CEOs earned $13.6 million, and the male CEOs earned 12.6 million

What is the percentage of female CEOs in the world?

Of the CEOs in the world in the year 2020, only 5% were women Men outnumber women at the CEO level by 17 to 1

Which country has the most female CEOs?

Leading the world in Female CEOs is Thailand, with 30% of the country’s companies with female CEOs Behind it with 19% is the People’s Republic of China, which is quite a gap in percentages


This data shows that as the disparities of women in positions of power begin to align, there is still plenty of work to be done to balance these inequalities. About

27 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 727 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 3627 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 1727 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 8527 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 6727 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 3227 Great Male vs Female CEO Stats  Revealing Power 2023  - 68