Things to Be Grateful for Today 2023

Many of us are unaware of how many good things we’re blessed with every day! So, today, be grateful for all the beautiful things already present in your life.

Your family and friends Your health and wellbeing The opportunity to have an education Food on the table Your favorite song The internet Having a job and/or income The ability to dream Sunrises and sunsets Eyesight A roof over your head Having a holiday Pets/Animals Surprises When a stranger smiles at you A home-cooked meal Hearing some good news Chocolate The fact each day is a new chance to begin again! The freedom to vote Modern medicine Cups of tea Fresh countryside walks Cameras to capture amazing memories Hitting the snooze button on your alarm When you find something you thought you had lost The ability to travel the world Your favorite movie, tv-show or book Winning a game Dancing Fresh running water Uncontrollable laughter Living pain-free Goodnight kisses Your imagination Being able to look forward to something Sleep Nature Coffee Waking up every morning Access to medication Having some time to yourself Kindness of strangers The fact that there is no one else like you in the world Learning from your mistakes The weekend Payday The seasons changing The progression of human rights Being able to see colors The ability to create your own family Great co-workers Puppies Equality and diversity Traditions, such as Christmas and Easter Nice neighbors The honesty of a child Creating a future with someone Having deep conversations until the early morning Teamwork Finding music that moves you Ambition Smell of a BBQ Hearing “I Love You” Warm rain Starry nights Being motivated Being barefoot on the sand Productive days

Funny Things to Be Grateful for 2023

Here are some silly things to be grateful for, because life can’t always be that serious.

Indoor plumbing Food delivery services Wifi Naturally missing every crack in the pavement Happy Hours Netflix Waking up seconds before your alarm Deodorant The ability to Google any question Toilet Paper The five second rule Cat videos Clothes fresh out of the dryer Inside jokes GPS Auto save Spellcheck Chapstick Getting everyone to smile in the family photo at the same time

Unique Things to Be Thankful for 2023

Being thankful for what you have is a good thing. But being thankful for uncommon things in your life is even better. So, here’s a gratitude list of unique things to appreciate.

Positive feedback Naptime Random bursts of inspiration The scale of the Universe Heartfelt apologies Long, late night conversations Farmers markets Blowing bubbles Fresh, warm sheets on your bed Seeing something from a new angle Your favorite memories When others accept you for who you are. Your faith Being debt free Holidays Your parent’s voice Memories Communities you are a part of New beginnings Rainy days The future A compliment Campfires Snow Rainbows The moon and stars Imagination Picnics Forgiveness Healing Kid birthdays Trails Sports Positive momentum Being inspired The vastness of nature Life experience Apps that improve our lives

Small Things to Be Grateful for 2023

Whenever we get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday tasks, we tend to forget about the little things in our lives that bring us joy. So, take a moment of your day to practice gratitude for the small things!

Ability to change your mindset Waiter smiling at you Gift cards Genuine compliments Feeling happy

Deep Things to Be Thankful for 2023

While being grateful for the small things is one of the best ways to find happiness and joy in your everyday life, appreciating the deeper things can give your life more meaning. Here’s a list of deep things to be grateful for in your life.

Ability to learn Self-preservation survival instinct Access to technology Ability to breath All our 5 basic senses Ability to feel and express emotions Challenges you face

Things to Be Grateful for in a Relationship 2023

When there are problems in our relationships, it’s easy to forget about the positive things. So, take a moment today to think about all the amazing things about this relationship that you’re grateful for.

Having a supportive partner Love Trust Laughter A hug A fancy meal out together Skills your partner has that you don’t When your partner makes you feel appreciated When your partner makes something easier for you Commitment Date night Being with a person who has different qualities Someone to plan your future with Gifts Intimacy Cuddles in bed Someone to share your burdens and losses with Being cared for or supported in times of lesser health Sweet memories of a life lived together Seeing them light up when you make them feel good

Things to Be Grateful for in Recovery 2023

Are you recovering from an illness or an addiction? First of all – kudos to you! Take a few moments to express gratitude for all the beautiful things this recovery is giving you.

Rekindled relationships with family and friends Revived passion for the outdoors Getting back in touch with your creative side Feeling emotions again Health and wellness Positive changes in your body Making smarter choices Optimism and inspiration Financial improvement Self respect and self worth Being productive Gaining clarity Finding new opportunities Looking forward

Things to Be Grateful for About Yourself 2023

Self-love is the most important thing. If you haven’t given yourself enough love and appreciation lately, it’s time to pause and be grateful for all the amazing things about yourself. And if you don’t have ideas for self-love affirmations, consider these ones:

Your unique personality Your ability to learn Your creativity Your sense of humor Your accomplishments Your unique family heritage Your arms and hands Your legs Your heart Your lungs Your immune system Your mindset Your “imperfections” Your smile How far you’ve come The color of your eyes Your memory Your core values

Things to Be Grateful for at Work 2023

How often do you complain about your job, your boss, or your work colleagues? Yes, working can be exhausting – but there’s also lots of amazing things you can appreciate about it. Such as these:

A caring boss Coworkers you can count on A work project you are proud of Having a job The ability to work from home Mentors Having a job that pays the bills The big, scary career decision you made Having access to higher education and resources to help you grow in your field Having an interesting job that challenges you and gives you purpose When you receive positive feedback on your work When you’re in flow and the great ideas seem to come out of nowhere Your phone and laptop Spell check Raises and promotions The end of a productive week When you realize you can earn money doing something you love An inspiring brainstorming session When you can make your own work schedule Work that brings out your creativity and innovation Producing work that helps and serves others in some way

Big Things to Be Grateful for 2023

Sometimes we forget how big and meaningful are the things that we take for granted in our daily lives. It’s time to appreciate them.

Your home Your parents Your friends Your kids Your relationship Your pet Your health Sight Smell Taste Touch Food Travel Sunshine Planet Earth Education Electricity Clean water

Things to Be Grateful for Thanksgiving 2023

Thanksgiving is one of the most beautiful holidays as it reminds us to be grateful for the smallest things. Here are some reminders of the things to be grateful for next Thanksgiving.

Holidays with family or friends A good meal A comfy couch or chair Thank you notes Your favorite Thanksgiving side dish Freedom of Religion Working with your hands Unconditional love Cake Road trips Hot Showers The smell of freshly baked cookies Learning from unique cultures or traditions Good neighbors Seeing old friends Old photographs Grandparents Sit-Down dinners A nice cup of hot chocolate Fun family traditions Mutual respect Finally getting to wear your favorite sweater Not being the turkey on your dinner table!

Things to Be Grateful for Teenagers 2023

Do you have a teenage kid, sister, or brother? While teenagers can be extremely annoying sometimes, there are lots of things you can be grateful for about them! Here are just a few:

Teens sleep in They care about the menu Teens can help out and clean up The conversation is more meaningful Teens can stay up late and put themselves to bed

What are the things to be most grateful for?

Here are some things to be most grateful for:

Your parents Your lovely friends Your good health Your loving partner Food Access to fresh air

What are 3 things to be grateful for?

Here are the top 3 things to be grateful for:

Your family. Close friends. Good health.

What should I be grateful for in a school?

Here are some things to be grateful at school:

Friends Clubs Sports Community Trips Teachers Freedom Experiences Diversity Collaboration Weekends Privilege Gym Vending Machines Library Snow Days Preparedness Global Citizenship

What are the things to be grateful at home?

Here are some things to be grateful at home:

A long, hot shower or bath. A soft, warm bed. Your favorite food. The show that always makes you laugh. Furniture. It makes things a lot more cozy. Good neighbors that watch out for you. Naptime. Having a place to call your own. A quiet place to sit. Love and laughter bouncing off the walls. A home that has enough space for those living in it.

What are 5 things to be grateful no matter what?

Here 5 things to be grateful for no matter what:

You have received life You are never alone You can rejoice in tribulation You are loved incredibly much You have a fantastic hope for the future


It’s time to stop for a moment today and think back to all the beautiful things you’re grateful for – from the fact that you found this article, to every special person and memory in your life. We hope that this gratitude list will help you appreciate the beauty of life even more. About

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