This platform is reaching the same level of popularity as a lot of the top platforms, such as Facebook Messenger. Let’s take a look at Telegram stats to see how it stands these days.

Key Telegram Stats 2023

Telegram App Statistics 2023

Telegram Usage Stats 2023

Telegram Revenue Statistics 2023

How many messages on average do users send on Telegram daily?

Daily there are over 15 billion messages sent on Telegram.

Which country uses Telegram the most?

Data from 2021 shows that most of the users are in Asia at 38%. The countries that follow are Europe at 27%, Latin America at 21%, and the Middle East and North Africa at 8%.

The most popular channel is Telegram Tips with 7.5 million followers. Telegram News is close behind with 6.1 million, and then Bollywood HD Movies with 4.1 million followers.


Telegram is a rising star in the social media world, and its popularity is stretched across the European and Asian world. Despite the positive Telegram statistics, its lack of revenue makes the future of the application a bit foggy. About

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